What is the Best Commercial Freezer?
If you are in the market for a new commercial freezer, it is relevant for you to know that you have plenty of options on the market. To discover more, please read over the following list.
- The Kelvinator KCNF180QW
- The Arctic Air AF23
- The Arctic AUC48
- The Atosa MBF-8002
- The SABA two glass door reach-in freezer
- The Maxx Col MXF31F
Your local, expert HVAC repairman will have a list of recommendations for you based upon the specifications you desire for your freezer replacement.

What is the Difference Between a Commercial Freezer and a Regular Freezer?
Are you looking to understand more about the difference between a commercial freezer and a regular freezer? If so, please read on. Residential refrigerators and freezers are smaller and more suited for household use. This is in contrast to commercial refrigerators and freezers, which are larger and more versatile. A household or residential freezer will be specifically designed to hold food for a family, whereas a commercial freezer will be able to hold food fit for a commercial operation such as a restaurant.
Is a Freezer a Good Investment?
Are you pondering whether or not a freezer will win out in a cost-benefit analysis? To that end, let’s explore some of the benefits. When you buy food, you want to keep it fresh as long as possible so that you can stretch times between when you need to go to the grocery store. Food keeps much longer in a freezer than in a refrigerator, which means that when you go shopping and put food in the freezer, it will keep fresher for weeks and months on end. Inevitably, this means that when food bargains arrive at your supermarket, you can buy more food and keep it stored fresher.
Many Americans have made the decisive choice to invest in a freezer for their home or property. Thus, if so many people are making this choice, it’s bound to benefit you as well, especially since you never know when there may be a crisis of some kind on the horizon.
How Long Does a Commercial Freezer Last?
Commercial freezer replacement will be necessary when your current freezer is old and experiencing sincere problems. These problems include failing to keep the proper temperature and freezer door disrepair. Nonetheless, it is important to understand how long commercial freezers last. If your commercial freezer takes a lot of wear and tear without maintenance, it won’t last as long as a well-kept commercial freezer. Commercial refrigerators should last at least ten years. With good upkeep and repairs, a high-quality model can last as long as fifteen to twenty years.
Does a Freezer Use a Lot of Electricity?
If you are worried that your new freezer will use a lot of electricity? If you weren’t already aware, the larger your freezer is will determine how much electricity it uses. For example, according to an internet user, their seven cubic foot chest freezer that is located in their garage uses an average of 1.1-kilowatt hours of electricity each day. During the winter, a kWh costs fifteen to eighteen cents depending on the time of day. During October through May, it can cost $4.68 per month. As a disclaimer, this is based on a 2017 estimate in an unspecified area of the country. More specific electricity cost measurements will depend on many extenuating factors that are related to your freezer unit and your area of the county.
What Temperature Commercial Freezer
If you want to have your commercial freezer operating at an optimal food storage temperature, then you will want to set your commercial freezer at or below zero degrees Fahrenheit. This will keep your food completely safe for consumption. This is possible due to the fact that bacteria will be prevented from growing at the frigid temperature.
What’s a Commercial Freezer
Let’s get into what exactly a commercial freezer is. A simple definition of a commercial freezer includes the fact that commercial freezers are freezing machines used mainly by commercial business owners who are looking to freeze their products in order to increase the shelve life of their items.
Where to Buy Commercial Freezer
There are many different places for you to purchase commercial freezers. These locations include big box stores like Lowe’s and The Home Depot. You may want to shop around for the best price and product. Please be sure to consider shopping at more local stores in your area to support the economy in your town or city.

Commercial Freezers
Commercial freezers have a large list of advantages and should be kept in good working order so that you can enjoy the benefits of your investment for years to come.
When you need a new commercial freezer in Severn and Baltimore, MD, you can count on Rocky HVAC. Please reach out to us at (410) 921-1277 today.