Get More Comfortable
When it comes to energy efficiency, everyone is looking for ways that they can save money. Whether you own a home or rent, there are so many different things that you can do this winter that will help save you some money here and there. Energy efficiency for winter is something you will want to look out for. There are a different set of rules for winter than there are for summer that you can follow. There are also a lot of alternative ways to get warm in the winter as opposed to trying to find a way to cool off in the summer.
Common Questions For Energy Saving
How can energy efficiency be improved?
We have gathered some great tips at the bottom of this page to take a look at. The best thing that you can do is to make sure your temperature is never too low or too high. Find the temperature outside and then set your thermostat for a good middle ground that your home won’t be fighting to keep on.
How energy efficient are space heaters?
If you are turning off the heat in your home and just using a space heater, this would be a great way to save money. If you are using a space heater in addition to your heater, it will not do much to help your energy bill.
How can I lower my electric bill in the winter?
Use as little as possible. Set your thermostat somewhere around 68 and bundle up. Lighting a fire also helps if you have that option. Keep your fire going and you will certainly see a difference in the warmth of your home.
What is the most efficient way to heat your home?
The best way would be to have central heat. This way your whole home is getting the same amount of heat and you will be less inclined to have to turn your heat up. You can always do this in conjunction with a fire burning. This will be sure to keep your home warm and if not the entire place, at least the room that you are in.
What should you set your thermostat at in the winter?
Set your thermostat somewhere around 68. This may seem cold, but it is not unbearable. At this temperature, you can wear warm clothes and socks to help with any added warmth that you may need.
Is it cheaper to leave the heating on all day?
As strange as it sounds, leaving your heat on all day long is a better option than turning it off all day. This is because if you turn it off, your home will get very cold, and then when you turn your heat back on, it will take a lot more power to heat your whole home back up again. It is better to just leave your heat at a lower temperature and then to turn it all the way off.

Energy Efficiency Tips For Winter
Change Your Temps – Usually, people like it cooler in their home at night as opposed to during the day. So, when you wake up in the morning, adjust your temperature to what you like it at, when you go to bed at night, you can turn it down lower than you normally would. When you leave your home for the day, turn your heat down low. This way you don’t have a heater running for an empty house.
Get an Inspection – When you get an inspection done, your pipes can be checked, and also the seals on your windows, fireplace, and doors can all be looked at to make sure you aren’t letting out any hot air.
Heater Maintenance – Make sure you are keeping up with all your winter maintenance. There is nothing worse than your heater not working and then running overtime and giving you a larger bill because you didn’t have it maintenance in time. Also at this time make sure you don’t need anything like a water heater replacement because that will also end up raising your bill if there is damage there and who wants to take a cold shower in the winter?
Open Your Curtains – Let the light shine in your home. The sun is a great way to warm up a room and when you keep curtains closed, it can make a cold space, feel even colder. At night time, you will want to close them to help give your windows another layer of insulation to keep the cold from coming into your room.
Lights – When the holidays come around, make sure that you are turning off your tree lights and putting your Christmas lights on a timer. This will help you to save money on your electricity bill. You can also consider using LED lights to make sure that your home is as energy-efficient as possible.
Space Heater Efficiency vs Heat Pump
A space heater will be able to warm one specific area very well but it does use a lot of power. A heat pump is much more energy-efficient and will be able to move more heat to your home than a space heater would. We recommend space heaters for your feet if you are sitting in one spot or even under your desk, but not as a primary means to keep your home warm. When you need your regular HVAC maintenance done for better energy efficiency in Severn and Baltimore, MD, make sure that you give us a call at (410) 921-1277 and let the pros at Rocky HVAC help you with any of your heating needs this winter. There are so many different ways to keep your home warm while still keeping your bills low. Follow these tips above and ask us how we can help you save. Also, make sure your filters are changed before the winter season approaches so that your heater is ready for the cold months ahead. Our professionals are here to help in any way that we can this winter.